Episode 9 Teaser - The Girl With All The Gifts

What's up folks!

I've managed to extricate myself from the delightful grasp of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Story DLC (LINK CAN RIDE A MOTORBIKE!) to quickly let you all know that Travis and I will be going into a deep-dive conversation about the 2016 movie, The Girl With All The Gifts.
It is a zombie-like survival/horror movie starring some of my favorite actors, Glenn Close, Gemma Arterton and Paddy Considine.

I'm also gonna talk briefly about Murder on the Orient Express and The Revenant (which I finally got around to seeing)

if you have any questions, comments or concerns you would like discussed on the show, you can contact us at the usual places:

or on twitter:
@thefriedbrain or @eviltrav


Episode 009 - Murder on the Orient Express and Tarantino Trek!


Episode 008 - Infinity War Trailer thoughts, Punisher and talking the weather.