Episode 010.5: The Second of The Two Parter - The Sequel
When we came back in 2018 we recorded a mammoth 2-hr podcast.
This is the second half of it!
Thoughts on Gary Numan's latest album and then What We've Been Watching and Playing.
And that’s our show for this week! Thank you all so much for tuning in. Thank you Travis, for providing actual, useful insight into our conversations instead of my barely coherent babble.
Remember that you can be a part of the show by joining the FaceBook group at www.facebook.com/groups/friedbrainproductions and/or following us on Twitter @eviltrav or @thefriedbrain.
Lastly, Armchair Producers is now available on SoundCloud, Stitcher and Whooskaa for all you non-Apple heathens. So if you could do us a favour, subscribe on any and all of these channels and give us a review! And share the show. It can be for people who might actually like us, or it could be a great troll for anyone you want to subject to our brand of mediocrity