Pre-Episode 33: New ways to consume!

Greetings folks!

Just thought we’d let you know that Armchair Producers is now on Soundcloud (regularly and not intermittently) as well as Spotify Podcasts! So whatever OS you use, you can get access to our wonderful content!
Also, Episode 33 will be the first attempt from us to stream the show live on Twitch. We are expecting this to be a bit of a cluster-truck, so please bare with us as we learn the platform and strive to improve every week.

Thanks so much for your support thus far and we will see you on Wednesday!

We are now on Soundcloud and Spotify Podcasts!

We are now on Twitch!

Pre and post-show music is graciously provided by Aurora.
Please show them support with the following links…


Episode 33: They're Gonna do it, so we might as well do it first!


Episode 32: Netflix's Latest Offerings