Armchair Producers

George Terran George Terran

Episode 161: Mystery Men

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we follow William H Macy from Magnolia to the 1999 bad-Superhero movie, #MysteryMen.

Travis chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

Travis watched, #Clerks3, and #Parasite.

George talks about the finale episode of #RingsOfPower and #TheBadGuys on #PrimeVideo, finished #SheHulk, and #HocusPocus2 on #Disney+

*As always, shout Out to Siren Divine @ and Game Of Beardz @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 160: Magnolia

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we follow Miriam Margolyes from James and the Giant Peach to the 1999 Paul Thomas Anderson epic movie, #Magnolia.

George chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

Travis watched, #EmilyTheCriminal, #TheFemaleBrain, #LuckiestGirlInTheWorld and #LikeWaterForChocolate.

George talks about the latest episode of #RingsOfPower on #PrimeVideo, #Luck on #AppleTV+

*As always, shout Out to Siren Divine @ and Game Of Beardz @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 159: James and the Giant Peach

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we head to Henry Selick adaptation of the Roald Dahl classic story, #JamesAndTheGiantPeach from 1996.

Travis chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

We discuss the #SuperMario movie trailer.

George watched the #Netflix ,movie #InTheShadowOfTheMoon from 2019.

We finally get the return of the #TrekRospective, with Michelle having watched #StarTrek #Insurrection, and #Nemesis.

Travis watched, #Confess, #Fletch, #BulletTrain and #Moonfall.

We talk about the newest episode of #RingsOfPower on #PrimeVideo.

*As always, shout Out to Siren Divine @ and Game Of Beardz @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 158: Rocky Horror Picture Show

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we head to madness, the insanity of #RockyHorrorPictureShow

George chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

We discuss the news coming out of #Disney #D23

Travis watched #TopGun #Maverick,

We finally get the return of the #TrekRospective, with Michelle having watched #StarTrek #Insurrection, and #Nemesis.

George watched #Thor #LoveAndThunder, #SheHulk, and started watching #Cyberpunk on #Netflix

We talk about the newest episode of #RingsOfPower on #PrimeVideo.

*As always, shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 157: Clue

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we head back to murder in the mansion with #Clue

Travis chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

Travis watched #FletchLives, and the #TrekRospective, with Michelle and #StarTrek #Insurrection.

George watched #Samaritan, and #SheHulk.

We also watched two episode of #RingsOfPower on #PrimeVideo.

*As always, shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 156: Suburban Commando

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we head to the suburbs with #SuburbanCommando

George chooses the next #LinkInTheChain - one he's been hoping to get to for ages.

Travis watched #Elvis, #Fletch, and the #TrekRospective, with Michelle and #StarTrek #Insurrection.

George watched #Polaris at #SciFiFilmFest, #Uncharted, and #Princess.

We also watched episode two of #SheHulk on #DisneyPlus.

*As always, shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 155: Murder By Death

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we head to the #MurderByDeath

Travis chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

Travis watched #1976, and of course the returning #TrekRospective.

George watched #PaperGirls, and #TheSandman.

We also watched #SheHulk on #DisneyPlus

*Shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 154: Guns of Navarone

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we follow Richard Harris from the last #LinkInTheChain #MutinyOnTheBounty to the anti-war classic, #GunsofNavarone

George chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

Travis and George discuss their thoughts on the #Netflix feature, #TheGrayMan. George follows this with a conversation about #Lightyear from #Disney. Travis talks about his #PalletCleanser #WhosThatGirl.

Then George thoroughly enjoyed the 90 minutes of #Prey on #DisneyPlus.

Lastly, Travis talks about #ThePrestige and #TheResort

*Shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 153: Mutiny On The Bounty

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we follow Chips Rafferty from #WakeInFright to the 1962 classic #MutinyOnTheBounty.

Travis chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

Travis and Michelle deliver episode six of #Trekrospective focusing on #TheUndiscoveredCountry. Followed by the traditional "change of pace" movie. Oh, and #Thor4

Meanwhile, George watched the #Netflix animated movie, #TheSeaBeast, and #MsMarvel.

Also, the boys watched... #TheBoys

*Shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 152: Wake In Fright

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we follow Jack Thompson from Broken Arrow to the 1971 cult classic #WakeInFright.

George chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

Travis and Michelle deliver episode five of #Trekrospective focusing on #TheFinalFrontier. Followed by the traditional "change of pace" movie. Oh, and #PlanB

Meanwhile, George watched the #JordanPeele produced #Candyman, and played more of #Grounded on #XboxGamepass

*Shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 151: Broken Arrow

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we follow John Travolta to John Woo's first Hollywood movie, #BrokenArrow.

Travis chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

The guys talk about the new Netflix movie #Spiderhead starring #ChrisHemsworth and #MilesTeller

Travis took in George Michael #Uncut, #ZackandMiriMakeAPorno, and #TheUnbearableWeightofImmeasurableTalent and the forth episode of #Trekrospective focusing on #TheVoyageHome

Meanwhile, George watched the latest episodes of #TheBoys, season 3 of #UmbrellaAcademy, and #Spriggan on @Netflix

*Shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 150: Blow Out

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we follow Brian De Palma to one of his earlier classic movies, #BlowOut

George chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

The guys talk about the new Netflix movie #Spiderhead starring #ChrisHemsworth and #MilesTeller

Travis took in #SexAndTheCity, #TheOffer and the third episode of #Trekrospective focusing on #TheSearchForSpock

Meanwhile, George watched the finale of #StarWars #ObiWanKenobi, #MsMarvel, and returned to #AmericanGods

*Shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 149: Carrie

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we follow Sissy Spacek, and Piper Laurie

Travis chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

George watched #TheBoys and the documentary #Val

Travis took in #TheOrville #RoadRunner, #BridgetJonesDiary and the second episode of #Trekrospective focusing on #TheWrathofKhan

*Shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 148: The Help

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we take on the Oscar Darling #TheHelp, starring Emma Stone and Viola Davis.

George chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

George watched #StarWars #ObiWanKenobi, #ShiningGirls and #Marvel #MsMarvel

Travis took in #TheBoys #TheStaircase and the first episode of #Trekrospective

*Shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 147: Kate and Leopold

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we go back to a more charming time with #KateAndLeopold , starring Hugh Jackman and Meg Ryan.

Travis chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

The gents watched the first two episodes of #StarWars #ObiWanKenobi, and have some early thoughts on #SniperElite5 for Xbox.

Elsewhere, Travis watched #SexPistols, and George watched #ChipNDale, and #StrangerThings4

*Shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 146: Prisoners

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we discover where #Prisoners lie care of Denis Villeneuve, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Hugh Jackman.

George chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

George finished Season One of #SlowHorses, and was very happy to learn there would be a Season Two, and continues to enjoy what #ShiningGirls is delivering.

Elsewhere, Travis consumed #CrazyRichAsians, and Morbius.

*Shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 145: Ray

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we dive deep into #Ray, starring Jamie Foxx, and Kerry Washington.

Travis chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

George has experienced #ShiningGirls, #SlowHorses, and felling love with #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce with Michelle Yeoh.

Elsewhere, Travis went searching for #TheLostCity with Sandra Bullock, and Channing Tatum, and #StarTrek #StrangeNewWorlds on #ParamountPlus

*Shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 144: Fantastic Four (2005)

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we explore the Marvel universe that could have been with the 2005 Fantastic 4 movie starring Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, and Ioan Gruffudd.

George reclaims control of the next #LinkInTheChain.

The lads talk #DrStrange #MultiverseOfMadness.

George has experienced #TheUnbearableWeightOfMassiveTalent, #ThePentaverate, and #BigBug

Meanwhile, Travis took in #MyFakeFiance, #HesJustNotThatIntoYou,

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 143: Idle Hands

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we explore the comedy/stoner movie, #IdleHands starring Devon Sawa, & Jessica Alba.

Travis controls the next #LinkInTheChain.

The lads talk #DeathOnTheNile, #StarWars #ObiWanKenobi, and the state of #Streaming

Travis talks #BetterCallSaul, and George played #AWayOut on #XboxGamepass

*Shout Out to Siren Divine @

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George Terran George Terran

Episode 142: Barb Wire

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we enter the much-paused video 'classic', #BarbWire starring Pamela Anderson.

We watch Thomas and the Magical Railroad courtesy of Siren Divine over at

George is put back into control for the next #LinkInTheChain.

Elsewhere the boys watched the Oscar-winning, #CODA as well as the latest #Marvel TV show, #MoonKnight

Travis watched the finale for #Severance, and George has started the long haul of #AttackOnTitan

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