Armchair Producers

Podcast, Armchair Producers, Movies, Blockbustr Cinema George Terran Podcast, Armchair Producers, Movies, Blockbustr Cinema George Terran

Episode 162: Mallrats

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we follow Claire Forlani from the 1999 cult classic, #MysteryMen, to the #KevinSmith cult classic #Mallrats. Does it stand the test of time? Is it worthy of the 41 score on Metascore? Join us as we discuss our thoughts.

George chooses the next #LinkInTheChain.

The #ArmchairProducers watched the first two episodes of the new #PrimeVideo series, #ThePeriferal starring Chloe Grace Moretz.

Travis watched the #Netflix movie, #TheStranger.

Meanwhile, George talks about the new #MarioRabbids game on #Nintendo Switch. He also delivers his review of #TheRock in #BlackAdam. The actor has been hyping it for years, and years. Currently sitting on 41 Metascore, like Mallrats… which is better?

*As always, shout Out to Siren Divine @ and Game Of Beardz @

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