Episode 007 - The Justice League Episode
Apologies for the delay in recording
Hello there!
You may have noticed that there hasn't been a new Armchair Producers episode in a little while. That is entirely my fault.
Firstly I lost the audio file for a show, then I fell ill (still am - why does my back want to kill me?!).
That being said, Travis, Chey and I will be going to see Justice League tonight and so I'm determined to get our thoughts and opinions up for you all ASAP.
Again, my sincerest apologies for the delay and not letting you know what's going on.
Audio for our first Armchair Producers Videocast!
So we accidentally lost the file for episode 5 somehow.
But we're back and (some say) better than ever! We're even entering into the wonderful world of videocasting! Although the editing of that is something that might take a little while.
A little bit crook
Travis tells George off
Episode 2: A New Host Approaches
Armchair Producers: Return of the Mediocre
Travis Croft and George Terran return to the digital waves thanks to popular demand... of their unending boredom. So what happens next? You all suffer our thoughts!