Luke Cage - Season One review
It's that time again folks! Netflix are unleashing another Marvel TV show that pisses all over the Marvel movies and Agents of Shield.
I am seriously surprised that we haven't seen these Netflix successes more directly influence or (seemingly) motivate more 'quality control' in the larger MCU.
Luke Cage is a fantastic series. I don't think anyone could argue that. It has brilliant performances throughout (Mike Colter is stoic, suave and powerful) with an almost completely non-white cast.
But with the focus being so organically on Black culture and Harlem (which is brought to wonderful life and almost a character in its own right), I still can't shake the feeling that there were cultural and social commentaries, jokes and poignant moments that I was missing within the show because of my lack of knowledge and understanding of black culture and Harlem history.
Its not actually a negative towards the show in any way, it just highlights a large portion of my upbringing that remains under-developed.
In spite of my feelings that I missed a great deal of 'additional content', I thoroughly enjoyed every part of this show.
As previously mentioned, Mike Coulter is a great Luke Cage and leads the show well. But the real element of this show that elevates it is Rosario Dawson.
Reprising her role from Daredevil and Jessica Jones, Clair seems to be firmly establishing herself as the key character to will (likely) be the person who unites the Defenders together and 'direct' them.
Ive been a fan of Dawson's work for a long time and she has found herself a role that allows her to utilise her natural charm and beauty, but also offers her situations to really stretch her acting chops.
There are beautiful, heartfelt moments, comedic elements and quality action set pieces peppered throughout the show. But there is also serious drama and weight the character decisions. All of which is expertly paced and directed.
Even the real world political and social environment in America at the moment deepen the themes within Luke Cage. Police shootings? Check. Black Lives Matters movement? Check. It service the show well and also heightens the weight of the events with the season.
The only negative that I have for this season is one that is easily levied against Marvel TV shows and movies...
The villain kinda sucks.
'Shades', Mariah, 'Diamondback' and 'Cottonmouth' are all given fairly good scenes and overall development, but it all seems to fail to cross the finish line in any meaningful way.
Jessica Jones delivered the deliciously creepy Kilgrave and all the perverse, depraved levels of hell David Tennant brought to the role (and Jessica herself). Daredevil unleashed the sophisticated and brutal Kingpin upon the world. Thor's brother has successfully planted himself atop the villain pile in the MCU.
Sadly none of the villainous characters of Luke Cage even come close to reaching memorable status.
But I find it had to really hold that against the show considering the nuance and control on display in every shot of the show. Luke Cage is a brilliant addition to the Netflix library and another testament to Kevin Feige's control and planning.
Congratulations Netflix and Marvel. I'm not going to give this show a rating because I don't believe in that sort of thing.
However, I do heartily encourage everyone to check out this show, allow yourself to be transported to Cage's Harlem and live with these characters for thirteen hours. You will be changed and for the better.