Episode 43: It smells like Old People in here
Welcome to the notes for G&T Podcast Episode 43.
What we've been watching:
George: Archer; Leap Year; Penny Dreadful; Just Cause 3 (still)
Travis: Trumbo; Our Man In Tehran; Billions (TV show)
Both: Deadpool - our (controversial) thoughts.
Brief mentions of Argo; Haywire; Antman; Bob's Burger's; The X-Men franchise
(00:00:00 - 00:52:29)
Terrible Movie Challenge: Travis' review of Hannah Montana.
We also introduce our new Success equaliser: Paulie Shore! Connect Shore! Travis must now watch Pluto Nash!
(00:52:30 - 01:05:45)
Guttenberb Season: Cocoon
We are going to watch Diner by Barry Levinson earning a rating of 7.2 on IMDb.
(01:05:46 - 01:26:08)
Topic of Discussion: Reboots; Sequels; Spins-offs etc...
(01:26:09 - 02:07:59)