Episode 49: Batman Vs Superman Spoilercast

Warning! The following podcast is rated SPOILER!

This week's episode is a little different to the usual fair. This week we have a brief discussion about what we've been watching, but we then go into detail about our thoughts and opinions on the controversial Batman Vs Superman.

If you haven't seen the movie, I personally recommend you ask yourself the following questions in advance.
1) Did you like Man of Steel?
2) Do you generally like Zack Snyder movies?
3) Are you ok with new interpretations of characters?

If you answered yes to most or all of those questions then I would heartily recommend Batman Vs Superman.
If you didn't, then really consider what sort of movie you are looking for because this one may not be the one for you.


HOUSE OF CARDS – spoilers ho!


Episode 48: Superman vs Superman