The Flash situation
With Seth Grahame-Smith initially lined up to direct The Flash, but now leaving the project who do you think should step in?
Here are my Top 5 Replacement Directors.
5) Luc Besson: Besson has delivered entertaining fair for many, many years and he's been skirting around superhero movies for ages. Lucy, The Fifth Element, even Leon for an extended example. I would love to see him play in the true superhero genre.
4) Peter Jackson: He has done some truly phenomenal films and I relish the idea of him creating a full movie based on The Flash. Imagine the fluidity of movement he delivered for Legolas, plus the speed of Flash and the action it would result in?! Cinematic bliss!
3) Jean-Pierre Jeunet: With his wonderful visual style, creativity and off-beat sense of humour, Jean-Pierre Jennet would be a fascinating director for The Flash.
2) The Wachowski Siblings: These directors are in desperate need of a win at the box office. They have an amazing flare for the awe-inspiring and (way back in the day) they actually attempted to bring Plastic Man to the big screen. The script is available online and (thankfully) it never make to pass - it was awful. But get the right writer in and this sibling team directing, it could be a huge win for everyone.
1) Darren Aronofski: Another director with a need for a win. Noah was not well received and The Fountain was divisive. But the Man who almost directed Batman: Year One could deliver something truly inspired. I'm talking Nolan's Batman trilogy-good. Aronofski is a brilliant talent (just like everyone on this list).
Well there's my list. What do you think? Do you agree? Who would you like to see take up the reigns?
Leave your answers in the comments below.
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