A Brief Note After WonderCon '08

Hey there guys,

I just wanted to put up a quick note to say a big thanks to all you great people who picked up a copy of my comic at WonderCon over the weekend.

Please don't forget to drop me an e-mail to let me know what you thought of my stuff... after all, the only way I'll improve is by listening to what you guys think!

As you're probably aware, www.friedbrainproductions.co.uk is still only a holding page for the time being but I am working on tonnes of features including synopsis and character details for all major projects from comics to stand-alone graphic novels and also the many TV and movie scripts I've been working on for the last few years.

There's gonna be new character and concept artwork posted when the living legend, Nathan Kilburn, can send over his new work.

I'm gonna be posting a full description for the Altered State Community Comic as well, including any specific story rules and guidelines that need to be put into place.
As for the original Altered State Short story, I will be making this available on the website within the next month.

With regards to Chimera...

The artwork is continuing to come in and the first full issue should be available soon.

Finally, I want to, once again, say a big thank you all for your support at WonderCon this year. Don't forget to keep an eye out for The Fried Brain at Bristol International Comics Convention later this year.

Until the main website is fully up-and-running, I'll keep you posted on the developements via the little blog that could...

Speak to you all soon.

March 10th 2008


Bristol Comics Expo 2008