Sorry for dropping off the face of the planet

Hey there fellow Fried Brainers!

Sorry I've been silent since the Bristol Comic-Con - good God, it's been nearly 2 months!

Well I am pleased to inform you all that I have not been sitting on my butt doing nothing... no, no, no! I have been revising the scripts for Paperchaser (which is currently undergoing a name-change) as well as coming up with a totally new graphic novel involving time travel (I'll let you know more as soon as possible ;-)

So what have I been doing with the comic series formerly known as Paperchaser? Well, I've been streamlining it, molding it into something even better and I have vowed to illustrate the first issue myself! (trust me to choose to draw the toughest issue - I'm gonna have to tap into my inner J G Jones and Phil Jimenez to pull this off!)

I've nearly finished the preliminary page layout doodles and as soon as artwork starts to flow, it will be online!

With regards to the ever in construction Fried Brain Productions web site... I have had to hold off from fully launching the site because of financial squeezing. Until that site is actually active, I will be keeping posting going on this site (hopefully with more frequency from now on).

Please accept my apologies for neglecting you for so long.

As a small consolation prize, the pictures above are some of the pages from the revised scripts so you can see just how much has been altered.

The Comic Formerly Known As "Paperchaser"


The Coming and Going of of Bristol 2008