Man of God Update
Hey there guys and girls,
In lieu of wallowing in the mistakes made in the last 24 hours, I am going to keep pressing on and give you more details on the projects!!!
If you go to the 'Man of God' tab, you can now read a early draft of the genesis of 'Man of God'.
I must remind you that it is only an early draft and therefore due for much changing and expanding, but there's the basic story there. AFter work I will write up the full post and update it for those of you who are interested.
Until next time my fellow Friers!
In lieu of wallowing in the mistakes made in the last 24 hours, I am going to keep pressing on and give you more details on the projects!!!
If you go to the 'Man of God' tab, you can now read a early draft of the genesis of 'Man of God'.
I must remind you that it is only an early draft and therefore due for much changing and expanding, but there's the basic story there. AFter work I will write up the full post and update it for those of you who are interested.
Until next time my fellow Friers!