New developments
Hey there guys and girls,
Just thought I'd give you all a little update on what's happening in the world of Volition.
Firstly, I have been continuing to work on the scripts for the main story as well as one of the larger side-stories... A Tale of Two Sisters.
The scripts are coming on really well and I'm really quite eased with how they are developing.
I've also been writing random scenes for later issues. Let me just say that one of the, involves the character NEOMI CARTWRIGHT doing a very good rendition of the chase scene in Tangiers from The Bourne Ultimatum... Off the back of a giant animal unknown only as THE GREAT BEAST.
It's epic stuff and I can't wait to show you some early design work on the sequence.
Pre-production on the Kickstarter campaign is coming on well and I am trying to finalise the colourist, and front cover artist. Once these pieces of the puzzle are in place, expect to see a relatively quick launch of the Kickstarter campaign.
Also, please let me know what kind of pledge rewards you would like to see as part of this Kickstarter.
You can register your suggestions either on...
Fried Brain Productions Facebook page
or by...
Twitter using the hashtag #volitioncomic.
I look forward to hearing your ideas.
For now I leave you with a quote from the Original Bastard...
"Why are people always so shocked when I do something evil? Seriously, I don't get it!"