Artwork training for a new project

Ladies and Gentlemen, While Judit Tondora is off making amazing artwork for Cloud 9 Comix, I have decided that it is time for me to attempt to completely create my own comic series - scripts, artwork and all! To this end, I have been practicing illustration in the wonderful style of Hiroaki Samura (as seen in his excellent Manga series, "Blade of the Immortal"). It is my intention to create a sci-fi, future-set comic mini-series utilising this art-style as it visual base and build from there by merging it with my own artists style. I'm hoping that it will result in something visually stimulating and different. My goal is to have the first issue completed by the end of February 2014. So please enjoy the included test pages I have drawn from "Blade of the Immortal" and expect original artwork to be posted throughout February. Many thanks and please feel free to comment. Kind Regards, The Fried Brain

The Chronos Project


Volition Submission Package - SPOILER WARNING!