8th January 2019
I wanted to touch base with a few points...
1) I sincerely apologize for being radio silent for so long. The last few months of 2018 were crazy, exhilarating and formative in many ways.
But I'm proud to say I've come out the other side in a much better position. Everything will be moving forward in a far healthier, and more productive manner!
2) Vaugn Novel is officially out of final editing!
"What's next?" I hear you cry.
a) Translate the manuscript into an ebook format
b) Record and edit the audiobook version
c) Finalize the Cover art
d) Launch and promote the Kickstarter campaign
3) #armchairproducers will be returning this year! Travis and I are working out timetables to ensure we get the show to you with much better regularity and quality.
4) I'm launching a sub-section of the podcast where I interview creators from all walks of life. We'll be talking through their origins, methods, current projects and what the future holds for them.
If you're a creator or have creators you want to hear from, let us know and we'll try our best to get them on the show.
That's all the updates for now.
Please like, subscribe and share wherever possible.
Thank you so much and 2019 is gonna be a big year!
6th November 2017.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I'm sorry that I've not been keeping everyone updated on the comings and goings of Vaugn. It's been a while since I had anything of real value to update on.
So the update is that the wonderful folks of editing my book have been crazy-busy. They've been working hard and progress is continuing.
There is going to be a bit of a delay on the launch of the Kickstarter campaign.
I am going to work harder at keeping you all updated.
Thanks in advance.
Initial, proof of concept artwork.
Written by George Terran
Artwork by Nathan Kilmore
Since the creation of this proof of concept, the story has been heavily edited and improved.