Episode 56: Back in the Saddle... Again

After a month off thanks to Travis’ Cruise-a-palooza, and George taking on too many things all at once, we return to the airways with a surprisingly full show!

But first, this episode is brought to you by Vaugn: A Volition Saga Story. Available on Amazon Kindle or Paperback.

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Show notes:

  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker — we finally review it, & you can probably guess our thoughts.

  • Star Trek: Picard - Episode 1 and 2’ish — a very different type of Star Trek.

  • George went to Arcanacon 2020 in Melbourne and he bloody loved it!

  • Travis went to see Louis Theroux

  • Travis is looking forward to seeing Tool in a few weeks time.

  • Travis went to see Cats… not the god-awful movie, but a quality stage version.
    —> This diverted into a brief discussion about the forthcoming Little Shop of Horrors movie adaptation.

  • Travis gives some thoughts on Jo-Jo RAbbit and 1917.

  • George and Travis then rapid-fire through some thoughts on Chris Nolan’s next movie, Tenet, The Lighthouse, and George’s thoughts on Men In Black International.

Pre and post-show music is graciously provided by Aurora.
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Episode 57: The Netflix-heavy session


Crazy, Dungeons and Dragons session...