Episode 56: Back in the Saddle... Again
After a month off thanks to Travis’ Cruise-a-palooza, and George taking on too many things all at once, we return to the airways with a surprisingly full show!
But first, this episode is brought to you by Vaugn: A Volition Saga Story. Available on Amazon Kindle or Paperback.
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Show notes:
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker — we finally review it, & you can probably guess our thoughts.
Star Trek: Picard - Episode 1 and 2’ish — a very different type of Star Trek.
George went to Arcanacon 2020 in Melbourne and he bloody loved it!
Travis went to see Louis Theroux
Travis is looking forward to seeing Tool in a few weeks time.
Travis went to see Cats… not the god-awful movie, but a quality stage version.
—> This diverted into a brief discussion about the forthcoming Little Shop of Horrors movie adaptation.Travis gives some thoughts on Jo-Jo RAbbit and 1917.
George and Travis then rapid-fire through some thoughts on Chris Nolan’s next movie, Tenet, The Lighthouse, and George’s thoughts on Men In Black International.
Pre and post-show music is graciously provided by Aurora.
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