An Update Message For You All
Hey folks!
Sorry for the delay in getting new content to you guys. What with laziness, Covid-19, and poor organization, I’ve let things slide. But thankfully, Travis and I have been working on a remote basis for ages and so we can continue the show... all we have to do is actually record it!
Also, I will be releasing a podcast version of Vaugn. I will be releasing episodic chapters.
So we have plenty of content coming your way!
#armchairproducers #vaugnnovel #quarantinecontent #melbourne #podcast #audiobook #friedbrainproductions
This is brought to you by Vaugn: A Volition Saga Story. Available on Amazon Kindle or Paperback.
Once you have read my book, please, please, please leave a review as it helps to increase visibility for other people who might be interested.
Thank you so much for your support and I promise to improve every day.
Pre and post-show music is graciously provided by Aurora.
Please show them support with the following links…