Episode 58: The Episode the Russian Bots have been waiting for!

This week, George and Travis run through their loose Top 5 Michael Bay movies, they also discuss Birds of Prey.
Travis experienced The Morning Show and For All Mankind on Apple TV+, he and George trialed the oddly pitched comedy show, Mythic Quest.
George and Travis discuss The Orville.
George smashed through I Am No OK With This, and Altered Carbon season 2 on Netflix with varying degrees of entertainment.

But first, this episode is brought to you by Vaugn: A Volition Saga Story. Available on Amazon Kindle or Paperback.

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Show notes:

  • Don’t F**k With Cats on the Internet

  • The Stranger

  • You - Season 2

  • Just Mercy

  • 6 Underground

  • Ni No Kuni - the animated feature film

  • Your Name
    —> Weathering With You

  • Dracula
    —> Leading into general Dracula conversation

  • BoJack Horseman

  • Steamworld Heist on Switch

  • Oscars 2020 predictions
    —> 1917 for the big win
    —> Rene Zellweger for Best Acrtress
    —> Joaquin Phoenix for Best Actor

  • Todd Philips to direct a Hulk Hogan biopic

Pre and post-show music is graciously provided by Aurora.
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An Update Message For You All


Episode 5: New Travellers Approach