Episode 60: All over the map!

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This week, Travis and George have a good, old natter about VR. Particularly talking about Travis’ Oculus Quest, and the games/apps currently available. Is there a killer app for VR yet? Beat Sabre seems to be the uniform front contender for that crown. But we also wonder if VR is going to shine more in the social aspect of society rather than the gaming world.

Next up Travis talks a little about Westworld — don’t worry, there are no spoilers for Season 3.

We talk through our thoughts on the finale of Star Trek: Picard. They are many and they are not exactly happy.

George talks about experiencing two of the Xbox staple games, Gears of War and Halo on Xbox Game Pass. He also tried out Rage 2 with mixed results.

Lastly, Travis watched Superman: Red Son. A WB-animated DC heroes feature film based around the question: What if Superman had landed in Soviet Russia, and not Smallville USA?

Pre and post-show music is graciously provided by Aurora.
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Episode 61: Lots of Foxtel and Anime Lab Content


Episode 59: The Picard-heavy Episode