Episode 110: Layer Cake

Each week Travis and George connect one movie to another through a variety of options. It could be through an actor, director, writer, producer.
This week's #chainmovie is Matthew Vaughn’s Directorial debut, Layer Cake #layercake. We discuss the finale of #falconandwintersoldier. SPOILERS be warned.
Travis delivers his thoughts on #mythicquest, and Season 2 of #forallmankind — both on Apple TV+
Elsewhere, George talks #thenevers on Binge, #shadowandbone on Netflix, and his experiences with Outriders and the Xbox Series S.

Chain Movie: 00:07:00
Falcon & Winter Soldier: 00:48:00
Mythic Quest: 01:13:00
Outriders: 01:24:00
The Nevers and Shadow and Bone: 01:35:00
For All Mankind: 01:45:00

the show will return to its usual Wednesday night slot

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This episode is brought to you by Vaugn: A Volition Saga Story.
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Episode 111: Under Siege


Episode 109: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen