Episode 124: Her

This week we talk #Her. As for the next #ChainMovie, Travis chose #Her..
We also discuss #Marvel #WhatIf episode three… and Spiderman No Way Home

Travis and George enter the ring with the new Stan contender, #heels.
Meanwhile, George experienced #BrandNewCherryFlavor on #netflix
Elsewhere in #ArmchairProducers land, Travis Talks about #NinePerfectStrangers

Pre-Amble: 00:00:00 - 00:05:00
Chain Movie: Her 00:05:01 - 00:48:00 —> Spoilers 00:26:00 - 00:31:00
Sponsors: 00:48:01 - 00:53:00
What If…?: 00:53:01 - 01:04:00
Spiderman No Way Home Trailer: 01:04:01 - 01:17:00
Heels: 01:17:01 - 01:34:00
Brand New Cherry Flavor: 01:34:01 - 01:46:00
Nine Perfect Strangers: 01:46:01 - 02:01:00

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Next week’s #chainmovie… The Discovery on #netflix

This episode is brought to you by Vaugn: A Volition Saga Story.
Available on Amazon Kindle or Paperback.

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Episode 125: The Discovery


Episode 123: Code 46