Episode 127: Invasion Of The Body Snatchers

This week our #ChainMovie of the week is the 1978 classic, #invasionofthebodysnatchers starring Donald Sutherland and Brooke Adams. Travis chooses the next link in the Chain... and he chooses a… ah hell, I can’t say it… its Vibes. Jeff Goldblum.

The lads talk about the first episode or so of the new #netflix show based on a legendary Anime… #CowboyBebop
George talks about the new #Primevideo series that hopes to blow away any, and all comparisons to #gameofthrones… …#wheeloftime. Long story short: George is fully onboard.
Travis watched season 2 of #themorningshow on #appletv, as well as the new #tomhanks movie, #finch.

We have our usual… totally current sponsors… from the 1970’s.

The final part of the show is George talking about the new #edgarwright movie #lastnightinsoho, and having words about #dwaynejohnson and how he really needs to take on a role that really stretches him.

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Next week’s #chainmovie… Vibes… yeah, Vibes.

This episode is brought to you by Vaugn: A Volition Saga Story.
Available on Amazon Kindle or Paperback.

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Episode 128: Vibes


Episode 126: Ordinary People