Episode 141: Near Dark

This week our #ChainMovie of the week, we enter the dark and terrible world of #NearDark by the #KathrynBigalow.

Travis is put back into control for the next #LinkInTheChain.

As George didn't finish Thief, and didn't watch #TheLostDaughter Travis chose a truly heinous punishment movie for George to watch... The Pirate Movie. Yeah.... *sad noises*

Next up, the boys talk about the newest superhero movie, #TheBatman. George has so many thoughts on it, while Travis seems to have some more certain considerations.

Elsewhere George watched #TheAdamProject on @Netflix, and #TurningRed on @DisneyPlus.

Meanwhile Travis watched #Old, and the new season of #Picard

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Next week’s #chainmovie… Barb Wire

This episode is brought to you by Vaugn: A Volition Saga Story.
Available on Amazon Kindle or Paperback.

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Episode 142: Barb Wire


Episode 140: Thief