Vaugn is Live on KICKSTARTER!

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Greetings and Salutations!

It’s happened! It’s actually happened! Vaugn has latched on Kickstarter!

“The limited illumination came from a slight gap under the door. Lukas hated that crack of light. It suggested the distant possibility of hope and salvation. He felt certain that this torture was the intent.”

Gabriel Vaugn is hot-headed and possibly the craziest Interpol agent in the organisation’s history. He and his partner, Clair Bobak, are notoriously good at their jobs. Since running away from home and his domineering foster father, Vaugn has had no desire to return to Paris.

But after a late-night call from the cantankerous old priest informing him that his brother (Lukas) has just committed suicide, there’s no doubt in his mind that something is awry. What would make a devout Catholic priest commit a mortal sin? Especially now when there’s arguable proof of the Divine thanks to an emerging ‘Miracle Kid’ on Social Media.

Vaugn and Clair arrive in Paris where their quest leads them to the infamous Black Moon Bar; owned and operated by the self-titled ‘King of Neutrality,’ Whisky. As the investigation, and desire for revenge deepens, Vaugn uncovers a dark, malevolent entity festering in The Catacombs under The Straights -- a high-tech shanty-town in the centre of Paris. In a world of ‘Garage Physicists’ delivering unusual technologies, sexual and spiritual debauchery, not to mention gluttonous hedonism, Vaugn and Clair are pilgrims in an unholy land.

Head over to Kickstarter to show your support!

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Vaugn Chapter Samples