Amy Jones Update 15/12/17

Chapters 5 and 6 have been completed!
I'm really enjoying the writing process for Amy Jones and hopefully that enjoyment will shine through in the book itself. Chapters 5 and 6 are the first major action chapters of the story and I'm quite proud of how their first drafts have come out.

Internally I've started referring to "Vaugn" as my version of a Frank Castle/Punisher character while Amy Jones is shaping up like a SuperMan/Runaways creation. I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure both of these stories are the very best they can be.

One thing I have already noticed is that my writing ability has improved when measured against "Vaugn". That's not to take away from "Vaugn" - I am exceedingly proud of that story and will always stand by it. But I can see that the lessons I learned on my first book are already being corrected for the second.

Exciting stuff!

As you may or may not be aware, my first novel, "Vaugn" is currently being worked on with my new editor. One of the many reasons I started work on Amy Jones is that I didn't want to lose the momentum I had built up. Plus I really want to get Amy Jones out by this time next year.


Amy Jones Update 20/12/17


Amy Jones Update: 01/12/17