Amy Jones Update: 01/12/17

Hey folks.

It's thundery, rainy and very gloomy here in Melbourne.
Also known as the perfect antithesis to what I've been writing for Chapter 2.

As mentioned previously in my first update, Amy Jones continues to be so full of job and energy! It's so refreshing. Amy Jones starts off with a bit of a world-building intro, then we meet our protagonist.

Now we're going head-first into the story proper; the real meat and potatoes of the story.
What does this mean? Well a superhero is only as good as their personal struggle and their villain.

In 'Vaugn' there is a veritable rogues gallery of nefarious folk. Amy Jones has her own  malefactors to deal with but there's an obvious difference... Gabriel Vaugn is a fully-grown adult working for Interpol. Amy Jones is a sixteen-year-old High-schooler burdened/blessed with the Spider-man syndrome... "With great power comes great responsibility."

So what does all this mean?

Chapter 3 is about the realization of power and meeting the villain!
Fun times!


Amy Jones Update 15/12/17


Amy Jones Update: 25/11/17