This has seriously reduced my Amy Jones production for the time being.
Update: 19/01/18
To help counteract this, I've been trying to write more of Amy Jones in the early parts of the morning. Overall this has been working rather well. But those of your who also listen to Armchair Producers will know that I have a new kitten and he is very claw-friendly at the moment.
Translation: I've being clawed to pieces and it's interrupting "the creative process".
Update: 12/01/18
Good grief! How are we two weeks into 2018 already!!!???
Anyway, another week and another update for you all on Amy Jones progress...
Another chapter written and I've started work on the next chapter already.
I've found I'm actually writing this book in quite a different manner compared to Vaugn. The Chapters are shorter, but more condensed, focused. It's going to be really interesting to see how this evolves over the edit and re-edit phases.
I like the pacing of these shorter chapters, but I'm wondering if maybe they are too short. I keep re-reading them and seeing little additions I can make to flesh out scenes a little more. But it feels more like set dressing rather than deep content additions. I have no idea if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I'm still feeling very confident about the book.
Update: 05/01/18
Amy Jones Update 20/12/17
Amy Jones Update: 01/12/17
Amy Jones Update: 25/11/17
25th November 2017
As you may be aware, I've officially chosen Amy Jones to be the next novel I'll be getting out the door.
I'm happy to report that work has begun in earnest and I feel I've got the tone of the book right, straight off the bat!
One chapter complete. However many needed to tell the story left to go.
Whilst writing Amy Jones I've found that I'm already implementing a lot of the lessons I learned from 'Vaugn'. It's making the act of writing more enjoyable.
Not that I didn't enjoy writing 'Vaugn' - it was awesome and I'm really proud of that work (coming soon to Kickstarter).
I've always loved the character of Amy Jones and her energy. It's a wonderful pallet cleanser coming off the darker, more somber tone of 'Vaugn'.
Anyway, I'm off.
The Fried Brain