Update: 19/01/18
Greetings Fried Folk!
I'm British and, in spite of having lived in Australia for seven years, apparently I've still not fully acclimatized to the occasional stupid weather.
As such, I've not been handling the hot weather well and showing my true British colors... I've been complaining like a son-of-a-bitch!
To help counteract this, I've been trying to write more of Amy Jones in the early parts of the morning. Overall this has been working rather well. But those of your who also listen to Armchair Producers will know that I have a new kitten and he is very claw-friendly at the moment.
Translation: I've being clawed to pieces and it's interrupting "the creative process".
I am still working on the manuscript but I'm reaching a point where I will need a little break away from it.
Thankfully it seems things are aligning nicely. By the end of this month I should have the edits for the first half of Vaugn to work through.
I will, of course, keep working on Amy Jones and I will keep the weekly updates going too.
So until next time,