Episode 63: The Life of Terminator, Commando, Zombies and Female Roles

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This week, Travis and I — once again — pitch Porky’s in Space. Then Travis gives a review of Terminator Darak Fate; George wonders if there is room for a Life of Brian variation of The Terminator, and the possibility of The Lost Years of a Terminator for Love, Death, and Robots.
Talk of Terminator leads us into discussing female roles in cinema, and how they are still not being served properly.
Travis confesses that he has never seen Commando, so has chosen to watch it for next week’s show. He also gives a review of The Hunt with Hilary Swank.

The latter part of the show, George talks about Streaming in the Pandemic. Then he talks more about Westworld Season 3, Hannibal Season 3, and the Arkane Studios game, Dishonoured 2.

Lastly, Travis briefly talks about World War Z on Xbox Live.

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Pre and post-show music is graciously provided by Aurora.
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Episode 64: Commando Love


Episode 62: Reviewing The Gentlemen and Tales from the Loop