Episode 64: Commando Love

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This week Travis and George discuss World War Z on XBox… in spite of George’s Online game curse.
We talk through our thoughts on the various incarnations of Watchmen.
George waxes lyrical about Westworld Season 3 and the possibility of a Season 4. He then talks about the turbulent issues of His Dark Materials Season 1 as well as some early thoughts on Doom Patrol Season 1.
This skews us into a mini-topic of the under-appreciated talent of Alan Tudyk.

Travis talks about The Beasty Boys Story care of Spike Jonz (George gets Spike Jonz and Spike Lee mixed up along the way) from Apple TV.
Travis finally understands the genius of Commando from Arnie.

Finally, they talk about Taika Waititi taking on Star Wars, and George posits the idea of a Cinema App. Imagine it, you have a membership to a Cinema chain app that allows you to stream new releases directly home, or to be able to go to the cinema itself for the cinema experience.

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Pre and post-show music is graciously provided by Aurora.
Please show them support with the following links…


Episode 65: Streets of Fire


Episode 63: The Life of Terminator, Commando, Zombies and Female Roles