Episode 113: L.A. Story
In this week's #armchairproducers, our #chainmovie is the Steve Martin classic, L.A. Story. Travis has already chosen the next link... Steve Martin... All will be revealed. Elsewhere, Travis took in "one of the best movies of the year" Judas and the Black Messiah. George took on The Woman in the Window on @Netflix.
Next week, Travis and George will be talking about Volume 2 of #lovesexandrobots and the #chainmovie The Spanish Prisoner.
Chain Movie: 00:52:00
”Sponsor Bit”: 00:55:00
Judas and the Black Messiah: 01:—:—
The Woman in the Window: 01:35:00
Getting The Boots In — Son of Sam 01:—:—
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This episode is brought to you by Vaugn: A Volition Saga Story.
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