Episode 114: The Spanish Prisoner

In this week's #armchairproducers, our #chainmovie is the seemingly forgotten Steve Martin movie, The Spanish Prisoner #spanishprisoner. George chooses David Mamet as the link for next movie, Hannibal #hannibal. The Producers watched Army of Darkness #armyofdarkness. Lastly the pair review Love Death and Robots Volume 2. Elsewhere, Travis went to A Quiet Place: Part 2 #aquietplace2. George meanwhile reviews the delightful Love & Monsters #love&monsters.

There’s also a little chat about the Eternals trailer.

Chain Movie: 00:40:00
Eternals Trailer: 00:47:00
Army of the Dead: 01:18:00
”Sponsor Bit”: 01:24:00
Love Death and Robots Volume 2: 01:54:00
Love & Monsters: 01:35:00
A Quiet Place 2: 02:15:—

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This episode is brought to you by Vaugn: A Volition Saga Story.
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Episode 115: Hannibal (2001)


Episode 113: L.A. Story