Episode 129: Naked Lunch
This week our #ChainMovie of the week is the 1991 legendary movie , #NakedLunch starring Peter Weller and a host of famous faces. Travis chooses the next #LinkInTheChain... and chooses to really hurt me… #SpiceWorld
The lads talk about #Dune and its majesty plus its failings.
Travis delivers a scathing review of #LastNightInSoho.
We have our usual… totally current sponsors…
We then talk about our Chain Movie of The Week… Naked Lunch. Travis then chooses as the next #LinkintheChain … Spice World
We talk about Spider-Man: Actoss the Spider-Verse and Matrix 4 trailers.
Then we discuss multiplayer gaming…. specifically Back 4 Blood, Halo Multiplayer, and World War Zombie 4.
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Next week’s #chainmovie… Spice World.
This episode is brought to you by Vaugn: A Volition Saga Story.
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