Episode 130: Spice World

This week our #ChainMovie is the supposed cult classic parody movie… #SpiceWorld starring the Ladies of Cool Britannia, Posh, Baby, Scary, and Ginger. Plus the ever delightful Richard E Grant, and Alan Cummings. George then goes on from the with the next #LinkInTheChain following Richard to Can You Ever Forgive me.

The lads talk about #Hawkeye as they fast approach the season finale.

We have our usual… totally current sponsors… Make sure to use the Discount code NODISCOUNT at checkout for 0% off.

We have a little chat about the validity of Adaptations, re they a good thing, or bad thing?

Travis talks about Ridley Scott’s #TheLastDuel with the incredible hairstyles of Mat Damon and Ben Affleck.
George talks the latest #PrimeVideo movie, #TheProtege with Maggie Q, Samuel L Jackson, and Michael Keaton.

Leading on from that, Travis talks about #BatmanReturns.

Finally, George talks his early thoughts on the new #Netflix movie, #TheHarderTheyFall starring Johnathan Majors, and Edris Elba

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Next week’s #chainmovie… Spice World.

This episode is brought to you by Vaugn: A Volition Saga Story.
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Episode 131: Can You Ever Forgive Me


Episode 129: Naked Lunch